Located in the vibrant mission district in San Francisco ,serves a new take on Authentic Tunisian food in a

modern Tunisian Space.

Gola in Tunisia are vessels made out of clay .Throughout history were typically used as water, milk, olive oil containers, also used to cook meats to perfection .

We combine traditional preparations with local ingredients for dishes that are authentic to both their Tunisian origins and Californian setting.


Boukha is an “Eau de Vie".
“Eau de Vie” or Aqua Vita was discovered in the Middle Ages by scientists who wanted to create an elixir of life in order to live longer.
Boukha is a 100% natural, clear, colorless fig brandy that is produced by fermentation and distillation.

Almost each country has its own type: Schnapps in Germany, Raki in Turkey, Tequila in Mexico, Vodka in Russia, and of course Boukha in Tunisia. 

Boukha does not contain any additives; it’s purely natural water and figs.

819 valencia street, San Francisco, CA. 94110
